Curses, Foiled Again! or Colfax Mineral Water - the Unauthorized StoryColfax Historical Society presented an old time melodrama written by Larry Daft on the evening of Saturday, April 14, 2018 with dinner...
Colfax Historical Museum presenting Billy Sunday program March 17The world lost a tremendous evangelist named Billy. These words were spoken countless times recently describing William “Billy” Graham....
110-year-old quilt patches Colfax native with long-lost relativeCOLFAX – To some, a quilt is just a piece of fabric to warm the body during the freezing, Iowa winters. To others, it is a scrapbook,...
Monthly Historical Society MeetingThe April 17 meeting of the Colfax Historical Society was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President Kevin Williams, and he welcomed...
Celebration honoring Yohe donation to Colfax museum on June 23A celebration of the life of former longtime resident Mary Yohe (1929-2013) will take place on Sunday, June 23, at the Colfax Historical...